Freshmark Systems services a broad range of clients across the agricultural value chain. We play an integral part in the day to day success of the clients below.

Fresh Produce Market Customers

Our Industry clients


Proudly South Africa is an exciting campaign to promote South African Companies, products and services which are helping to create jobs and economic growth in our country

Information Technology Association ITA: Freshmark Systems is a member of the ITA and subscribe to the highest levels of integrity and codes of good practices.

The Institute of IT Professionals South Africa IITPSA: Individuals employed at Freshmark Systems subscribe to professionals and ethical behavior

Linux: Freshmark systems supports open source and has implemented many systems using the Linux operating system

South African Union of Food Market: The representative body of Fresh Produce Markets in SA. Freshmark Systems advises the body with regards to ICT issues affecting the industry Both Dave Larkan and Dot Bailey have been admitted as Special members of the institute.

Institute of Market Agents of South Africa: Freshmark work very closely with IMASA as the representative body of market agents in South Africa